Some assembly required

This blog is about unimplemented ideas. At least until they get ticked off; I suppose a few eventually will have implementations too, but fresh posts never will. Because that's the primary purpose of this blog: keeping track of ideas I'd like to dive into, or problems I'd like to see solved. Feel free to join me in implementing, or further developing these ideas. I don't mind working solo, but it's a whole lot more fun working in concert!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

external link

Blogger publish ping TODO


  • Injection of the Tags: field on the edit post page fails when either of Title and Link fields has been turned off.

  • When the Published! page for some reason fails to publish, the URL linkifier renders some sort of error.

  • The Published! page always adds the and Post links, even when republishing the entire archive, in which case it just links the last post. Unintuitive.

Short term

Longer term

  • Implement a proper script-local version of the XML-RPC Ping protocol and do fine-grained custom pinging.

  • Perhaps even pick up on the semantics of the preferences set for any already configured ping sites (to only ping every mentioned site once, without using any of the middleman ping aggregator services).

  • Add a ping preferences dialogue, perhaps similar to that of Movable Type, as pictured. If above is done, perhaps sport some comments ("tagged for Pingoat and Ping-O-Matic") too for good measure.


Blogger Singpolyma said...

Definately a lot of good ideas there, and if you add feedburner I may have a reason to start using the script ;) I thought blogger automatically pings feedburner? Maybe I was mistaken.

Looking at those long-term goals it looks like some of this would be more suited to moving to a full-scale extension, rather than a userscript.

Blogger Johan Sundström said...

Looking at those long-term goals it looks like some of this would be more suited to moving to a full-scale extension, rather than a userscript.

People often seem to feel that way once a user script or grows advanced; I'm not quite sure why. There is not much technical merit to do the transition, IMO, and I myself much prefer not needlessly littering the extensions list nor writing code with elevated chrome privileges, unless I really have to.

Besides, a user script is more portable than a mozilla extension, so from my perspective it would be an essential downgrade. Greasemonkey is good. Quick development cycle, quick and easy deployment and low impact on the browser UI.


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