Some assembly required

This blog is about unimplemented ideas. At least until they get ticked off; I suppose a few eventually will have implementations too, but fresh posts never will. Because that's the primary purpose of this blog: keeping track of ideas I'd like to dive into, or problems I'd like to see solved. Feel free to join me in implementing, or further developing these ideas. I don't mind working solo, but it's a whole lot more fun working in concert!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Link verifier bookmarklet / Greasemonkey script

Create a bookmarklet that, perhaps in concert with a Greasemonkey script (to spider to off-site links) processes all a[@href] tags in the page invoked on, checks whether they work, and mark those that did not, for instance with a style.textDecoration = 'line-through'.

Hm. Or maybe even a Greasemonkey script which does that and gets invoked via the greasemonkey menu scripts can register themselves for.